• Pharmaceutical Law; 
  • Industrial and Intellectual Property (Copyright Law, Trade Secrets, Patent, Trade Mark); 
  • Unfair Competition Litigations (Trademarks; Industrial Designs; Patents);
  •  Competition Law (Entente/Anti-Trust Law);
  • Company & Contract Law; (Joint Ventures, Consortium, Licenses, Know-How and Guarantees Agreements; Mergers & Acquisitions; E-Commerce “Focused on B2B Applications”); 
  • Business Law (Corporations, Trade Regulations, Partnerships); 
  • Government Relations (Regulatory Affaires); 
  • Commercial Fraud (included suspicion of money laundering); 
  • Employment (Labor) Law; 
  • Real Estate Law (Commercial Real Estate, Construction, Landlord & Tenant Law, Mortgage); 
  • Transportation Law (Logistic);
  • Litigation; Appeals; Debt Collection